1. Use of these fonts are to be done at your own risk. I assume no implicit or explicit responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the use or abuse of these fonts. I don't make any explicit or implicit promise towards support of these fonts either.

2. These fonts are Free for all the users. It will be nice if you notify me, if you are building any site using these fonts.

3. From time to time new updated versions are released and will be available on this site. It is your responsiblity to upgrade your font files. In order to get the update information, subscribe to the email list. You will not receive any junk mails or your email-id will not be given or sold to any third party. The sole purpose of the mailing list is to give you update on the fonts.

Follow These Quick Steps to start using the Kiran Fonts.
Now it's even simpler!! No need to wait for downloading. Kiran Fonts archive will be mailed to you. This will avoid all the downloading problems
Please fill in your details and Click the following link to get kiran.zip via your e-mail.


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Comments (Give your Home page URL, if any)

Save kiran.zip into a Temp folder such as c:\temp.
Extract all the files using Winzip or any unzip utility.
(If you don't have, get it at winzip.com).
Open Control Panel and Double-Click on Fonts Icon, it will open up Fonts folder.
From File Menu Choose install New Font.
Give the correct path where you extracted the files (eg c:\temp).
Select All Fonts and Press OK.
For typing instructions and keyboard layout refer
Key Board Layout or Key_Board_Layout.doc in the zip file.
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Feedback on kiran fonts.
E-Mail any questions about font at

Keep Yourself Updated on Kiran Fonts development.

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